Monday, March 16, 2015

The Royal Canadian Motorcycle Patrol

Anybody remember this?  The future of the free world was decided on this particular day.

Harley Davidson Sportster by The Royal Canadian Motorcycle Patrol

On this day The Royal Canadian Motorcycle Patrol paid a visit to secret lodge number 6 to check in on Patrolman Paden today.  Patrolman Paden had mounted a new set of Avon Venom's on this Sportster and previously bobbed the rear fender and wrapped the header pipes.  This particular Sportster belongs to Dave Watson, a famous Canadian production manager and restaurateur.

If you are in Toronto you should pay a visit to Dave's coffee shop the Rooster Coffee House. In 2010 The Royal Canadian Motorcycle Patrol awarded the Rooster Coffee House a Double Winnwell Espresso award. For those of you who don't know, the Double Winnwell Espresso is awarded to Canadian citizens who have roasted, brewed and served exceptional coffee in Canada.

You can check out the website for the Rooster here...

The Royal Canadian Motorcycle Patrol would like to salute Patrolman Paden for a job well done on this properly sorted Sportster.  

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Moose Sausage Recipe Requests and a BSA Catalina Scrambler

The Royal Canadian Motorcycle Patrol are primarily known for three things.

1)  Riding and restoring super cool and ultra fast motorcycles.

2)  Dragging dead moose.

3)  The rendering and processing of dead moose into extremely lean and delicious sausage.

All that being said, The Royal Canadian Motorcycle Patrol has no intent on releasing the secret recipe for moose sausage at this time. We have received 4537 email requests to date, asking for our secret moose sausage recipe.  The Royal Canadian Motorcycle Patrol would like to make it known that the secret moose sausage recipe is not available online or in print.  The recipe is not for sale, although there may be a time in future when we make the recipe available on this site.

In the meantime please enjoy this photo of a lovely BSA Gold Star Catalina which was captured during one of our Mid Ohio adventures back in 2012.

For more information about the BSA Gold Star Catalina please check out the following link.